Cookie Statement

The company “LILI DROGERIE SINGLE MEMBER S.A (hereinafter “LILI DROGERIE”) would like to inform the public that on our website we use cookies, in compliance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016, the provisions of the national legislation, the decisions/instructions of the Hellenic Data Protection Authority  and the other National and European Competent Authorities, in full respect of our customers’ privacy.


  • What are cookies?

A cookie is a small piece of data (text file) that a website stores on the visitor’s computer or mobile device. We use cookies on our website, to make it work properly, without technical disorders, to collect users’ browsing experiences and choices, to recognize them, to facilitate access to the website and to collect data for the improvement of its context. 

Cookies do not cause damage to users’ computers and files. 

We use cookies to inform you, to fulfil your orders and to deliver you leaflets and brochures related to your interests and needs.
We notice that we use only totally necessary cookies for the technical functioning of our website


  • Which cookies do we use on our website and what is the purpose?

Our website uses cookies for its technical functioning. 

Cookies can be classified as below: 

Necessary Cookies

These cookies help us to perform basic functions of the website, such as safe browsing, add products to the cart, store them to the wishlist or carry out an e – payment. Without these cookies, our website, will not work properly, your browsing experience will be limited, basic functions of e – commerce will be disrupted, as well.

Functionality cookies

These cookies collect and store your browsing experiences on our website, in order to be able to provide you improved and personalized functions; in this way, we can help you find out what you are looking for by proposing the appropriate products related to your needs.

Performing cookies

These cookies collect information about how visitors interact with our website. They let us collect anonymous statistical information about the number of visitors and the most popular pages or users’ problems while browsing etc. These cookies do not collect data which may identify the user as they are aggregated and so anonymous. We use them to improve technical functions of our website

Cookies Marketing 

By using these cookies we advertise your products related to you and your interests. So, we use these cookies to deliver you advertisements or promotions, which are in accordance with your needs, and we limit the spam messages, as well. In addition, they help us to calculate the rate of effectiveness of our campaigns.

Cookies Analytics 

These are Functionality Cookies’ sub-item; by using them we improve your browsing experience by evaluating the effectiveness of our website’s functions.


  • How to control cookies?;

When entering our website , we inform you that we use cookies and we ask you to accept or reject them. If you reject all cookies, we inform you that this may limit your browsing experience on the website.


  • Final provisions

LILI DROGERIE has the right to modify, in whole or in part, and update the operating mode of the website, including the functions of processing users’ data.  

This Cookie Statement may be modified if it is vital; the most updated Statement will be posted on LILI’S DROGERIE website. 

The applicable law is the Greek law, as it is formed in accordance with Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 and the provisions of national and European legislation for privacy policy.


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